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August is like the Sunday of summer- September 2021 Newsletter

Om Grown Newsletter

Updated: Nov 2, 2021

Anyone else feel like they are savoring those last few golden drops of summer? Or do you feel like you have already rushed into the madness of fall? Or somewhere in between? It often feels like summer is over when kids transition back to school, however, there is actually a month of the summer season left! Yes, there are challenges, uncertainty, and lots of big emotions swirling right now. Big emotions goes hand in hand with summer …emotions are energy in motion and there is more energy in summer than any other season. So wherever you are right now, is simply where you are right now at this moment, it is not where you will be forever. Tomorrow you will wake up cellularly different than today and one day older. The amount of light and dark will be different tomorrow than today. What is now green and abundant with fruit and flower will die back to the earth. All the changes can’t be foreseen from this moment. There is an element of faith. So slip off your shoes, sink your feet into the warmth of the earth and feel the golden light of the sun. Cherish the joy in this summer moment because you won’t get this exact moment again.

With this time of summer transition, we also have been working with our own building transition. Many of you have inquired about the status of the new space at 816 High. The interior is now a blank slate or as blank as it can be. Final tweaks to plans are occurring for the contractors to start in early September. The interior wall shared with our neighbors at Baldwin City Fitness show the history of being a livery stable in the early 1900s. The floors and walls display the changes necessary when the space became a garage for motor vehicle repair. Beautiful wood rafters are now visible showing old growth wood and the patina of the years. It is simply a wonderful discovery of history as it played out on the structure.

We do have some exciting things on the horizon. We are introducing two new classes starting September 1st - “Ageless Yoga” on Thursdays at 11:30pm and “Rise and Shine Yoga” on Fridays at 5:30am. (Yes - all you early birds 5:30AM!!!) Additionally, we are so excited to announce a new “Ohmmie”! Please give Liz Black a warm welcome and catch her on Monday’s at 5:30pm for Elemental Yoga. More workshops and goodies are below. As always, we love to hear from you. What you need, what interests you, etc. So hit reply with your thoughts.

Until we met on the mat,

Lora, Sandy and the Ohmmies

Instructor highlight! Sydney Nowak

Get to know Sydney and her classes better!

Favorite podcast - You're Wrong About, Lore, The Minimalists

Favorite yoga move/breath - Savasana will always be my favorite asana and the one that I never forget to do in any class!

TV show you’re binging at the moment - Favorite shows I can watch over and over again are Bob's Burgers and Community. Newest show is Downton Abby

Any pets - 2 dogs Annabelle and Mo, both rescues and westie terrier mixes

Favorite place you’ve visited - Internationally Nepal, stateside costal Maine

Your class/classes at OmGrown-

Tuesday morning Power Yoga: Start your day off with a powerful, energetic practice that borrows from the vinyasa flow style. This classes moves fast and will have some more challenging asana options as we progress. As with any class I teach, there is always the option to modify the practice to fit your needs, so all levels are welcome.

Tuesday evening Yoga for Stress Relief: This class is great if you are looking to unwind from your busy day. We move slowly working out all of the body's joints and muscles. Through our breath and physical practice, you will find you are relieving stress in both the body and mind. Saturday morning Sunrise Salutation Yoga: If you're looking to start your weekend off with early morning yoga, this is the class for you. Sun Salutations are the focus of this class as we flow into mental and physical balance that will carry us through the weekend.

What are we up to?? Scroll down to check it out!

Om Grown Upcoming Programs and Courses:

Are you ready to dive deeper into yoga? Or learn more about how the practices of Ayurveda and Yoga can lead you to a healthy lifestyle? If so, check out our upcoming programs and courses!

On September 10th, we kick off our the Journey to the Heart of Bhakti Yoga…a 300 hour advanced training for yoga teachers, students and serious practitioners. This training is offered in partnership with our dear teachers Gopi Sandal, JaiRadhika, Becky Kasenberg and many others from our Bhakti community. We might be a bit excited to be a part of and hosting this training right here in Baldwin City, KS. If you are ready to continue your yoga training, you don’t want to miss this opportunity to dive deeper into the practices of yoga and the connections of body, breath and spirit. Reinvigorate your own practice and refine your yoga teaching skills. Immerse yourself in a beautiful community that welcomes diversity and growth. It is simply a life changing experience.

Fall Soul-storiation workshop- Nourishing through Transition a restorative yoga workshop with two sessions September 26th at 3:00pm and 5:15 $15. Feel into the transition from summer to fall with deeply nourishing restorative yoga practices, grounding guided visualizations and meditations along with customized essential oils. An experience designed to restore and rejuvenate yourself amid the busy-ness of fall.

Fall 21 Day Detox starting September 26th $35. If you missed our 21 day Spring Refresh, here is another chance! Time to restore your body, mind and spirit. In this refresh, we use the concepts of Ayurveda and other disciplines to disrupt the trajectory of our summer habits into more seasonally appropriate fall habits. In Ayurveda, the shift from fall to summer can be wrought with dis-ease in the mind, body and spirit due to the significant change in energies of the season. During this 21 day adventure, we will foster our physical, mental and emotional digestive fires (agni) through intentional consumption and simplicity. Emerge grounded, nourished and aligned with purpose. Hope to see you there!



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816 High Street
Baldwin City, KS

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